Tuesday 29 March 2011

Which Chemicals are Bad in Face Moisturizer Creams – The Truth About Your Skin Care

You would be surprised if not shocked at just what goes into the leading brand creams and the repercussions for your health. This article will reveal some of the worst offenders and how to easily avoid them.
Which chemicals are bad in face moisturizer creams?
Cheap chemical additives are used because they are cheap and easy to make. Look at your current line and you will see mineral oil (paraffin wax, petrolatum),parabens (methyl, propyl), possibly triclosan and fragrances which could be any number of thousands of chemicals and also dioxane, known to the state of California to cause cancer.
Mineral oil coats your skin like plastic to keep the moisture in but prevents it from breathing properly and prevents the toxins being eliminated correctly too.
Parabens are used to preserve most creams but have been linked to cancer and triclosan is also used in weedkiller (comforting thought). Triclosan is an anti-bacterial agent but as it is so widely used in skin care products, it is thought to be responsible for many strains of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics.
If you can, it is always best to use creams that are fragent free, and using perfume is a better way to go as it evaporates from your skin much more quickly and is less harmful.
Some others include Phenol carbolic acid, Toluene along with DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (monoethanolamine), and TEA (diethanolamine).
Many of these chemicals are banned or restricted in Europe but still widely used in the US where there is unfortunately very little regulation, despite recent efforts, as the cosmetic companies are too powerful and only interested in profits, not your health and future well-being.
I find the best place to get high quality natural creams, any harmful additives is to look online for the best companies that source ingredients from around the world and display a logo for the Compact for Safe Cosmetics on their website.

This logo means that no harmful additives are used in any of their products, keeping you healthy and informed.
I use a company based in New Zealand that delivers worldwide and uses potent and natural extracts including Xtend-TK, Phytessence wakame kelp and coenzyme
These help to deeply moisturize down through all the layers of your skin and gently fade any lines or wrinkles while delivering many essential nutrients to keep your skin in the best of health.
Now you know which chemicals are bad in face moisturizer creams, you can safely avoid them and protect your skin's future health and well-being and boost your overall health too.
To discover more about these potent natural substances that help to keep your skin radiant and healthy and the ones to avoid

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Home-Made Acne Cure Tips

Acne is often caused by over production of certain hormones which in turn leads to a chemical imbalance within the body.
A lot of us can look forward to a relatively acne-free future, as long as we maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Acne solutions are just at the top of your fingers. Here is an example of home-made acne free tips:

1. Dabble garlic on affected areas.
2. Wash your face with warm water and salt at night before you sleep.
3. Drink plenty of water.
4. Avoid foods that are high in fat and iodine. Use sea salt instead of iodized salt in your food.
5. Apply lemon juice to your pimples
6. Paste your face with egg white as a grappling mask.
7. Use rosemary oil and tea tree drops with manuka honey. Use this mixture as a face wash instead of your regular bathing soap.
8. Try coconut oil. It moisturizes your body cells and helps your body to fight off yeast and bacteria and keep acne under check. Apply it on and around the acne and you will see appreciable results in a couple of days.
9. Use bake soda. It is gentle on the your skin and help against diseases being an exfoliating natural remedy.
10. Another proven natural acne solution that help to keep acne under check is jojoba. To use it, mix it with 100ml of warm water and rub it lightly on your face. Jojoba removes the dead skin cell which cause bacteria that leads to acne outbreaks.
Now that you have known some tips, you should know the specific methods and the kind of work-outs that produce result. 

Itchy Skin Bumps - Skin Rashes: Main Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Do you have itchy skin bumps or skin rash? As you know, itchy skin bups are annoying, distracting and irritating. However, if you have enough knowledage about this kind of desease, it will be not so hard for treatment. In this article, I will help you identify the most common cause of skin bumps like Eczema, allergies, Pimples, Acne and more.

Skin Bumps Caused by Eczema

If you are experiencing very dry, red and itchy skin that secretes clear fluid when scratched open, you may have a condition known as eczema.  The eczema appears as little red bumps all over the skin and can eventually become larger.
Before eczema appears you will likely experience intense itching in the affected areas.  After eczema appears if you scratch the area a clear fluid may be secreted.  Do not to scratch your eczema as it will spread if any of the eczema bumps are broken open.

About Eczema: Eczema is a skin condition that affects people of all ages, both men and women. The rash occurs on the top layers of skin and can be a very itchy unsightly rash. Eczema is known as an ‘atopic' rash as it only occurs directly on top of the skin and not under it.
Curing Eczema: While there is no permanent cure for eczema you can treat eczema with a change in diet, moisturizing treatments with baths and lotions, and reduction of stress over time.
It is very important not to scratch your eczema as it is very itchy and it will spread if any of the blister-like bumps are popped open.

Skin Bumps Caused by Allergies

If you are experiencing skin bumps that are itchy and swollen and seemingly unexplainable skin bumps then it might be caused by an allergy.  Skin bumps caused by allergies tend to arrive suddenly and in the form of hives, rashes, or pimple-like bumps.  If the location of the skin irritation is visible with your clothes on it is likely the allergy is coming from contact with an external allergen.  If the skin reaction is not visible with your clothes on then it is more likely that the allergy has come from food, soaps or lotions, or clothing
About Skin AllergiesSkin allergies come from many sources and therefore the symptoms and causes are wide and varied.  Skin allergies with skin bumps can be caused by a reaction to latex, contact dermatitis like poison ivy or poison oak, or as simple as a food allergy.

Curing Skin Allergies: Skin allergies are generally not life threatening and can often be reduced or cured by identifying and avoiding the allergy, showering to cleanse the area and drinking plenty of water.  This will help to cleanse the outside and the inside while avoiding reaggitation of the skin allergy.

Skin Bumps Caused by Pimples or Acne

Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne. This type of acne encompasses:
Blackheads: These occur when a pore is only partially blocked, allowing some of the bacteria to slowly drain to the surface. The black color comes from the skin's own pigment reacting with the oxygen in the air.
Whiteheads: These result when a pore is completely blocked, trapping bacteria and causing a white appearance on the surface. Whiteheads tend not to last as long as blackheads.
Papules: These inflamed, red, tender bumps have no head. Papules appear as inflamed, red, tender bumps that should not be popped as that will increase the chances of scarring.
Pustules: A pustule is an inflamed red circular skin bump with a white or yellow center and is known as the standard zit. Be weary of how you pop the zit as it has the potential to cause scabbing or scarring.
Nodules: Nodular acne appear as much larger than the garden variety zit and can be quite painful. Nodules are large, hard bumps under the skin's surface. Scarring is common and it can take months to go through its cycle. Avoid squeezing these as it could stretch the recovery time and cause scarring.
Cysts: Essentially this is a nodule-like skin bump that filled with pus. They can be painful and scar and have long recovery time – longer if you try to pop them.
About Acne: Acne is most often found in adolescents going through puberty, however adult acne and pimples are frequent amongst both men and women.  Acne is a skin reaction that can cause irritating skin bumps but is not life threatening and is considered a nuisance and potentially embarrassing in some social situations.
Curing Acne: Dermatologists often have ways of lessening swelling and preventing scarring, such as administering a cortisone shot or by using a plethora of creams, cleansers and lotions. Overall the best cure for acne is regularly cleansing and finding the right facial soaps to keep your skin balancing by identifying whether you have oily, regular or dry skin.
There are three mains caused of itchy skin bumps. Besides of these reasons, you may take the time to learn how to identify and diagnose the different types of itch skin irritations that may occur on your body and even learn medical treatments for skin bumps once you have properly diagnosed what type of skin bump you have and what is causing you skin irritation.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Effective Treatments for Your Lower Back Pain

Are you suffering from the most chronic low back pain and is looking for some effective treatments to stop this agonizing ache? It is most crucial to treat the back ache to ensure and avoid any further complexities.

The key reason for the bad back is the changing lifestyle of the people. The low back pain causes the stoppage of many physical activities of suffers and also causes a change in regular exercise regimes. The Pain in the lower part of the back is the primary symptom of low back pain. Some of the more complex symptoms of low back pain are as follows:
  1. The key symptom of the ache is the stretching of pain down the front side or the inner side of the thighs from the back bone.
  2. The pain worsens with any physical activity or lifting a very heavy object leads to the rigorous back pain.
  3. The pain getting more complex and riskier in the night or with the prolonged sitting or standing positions.
  4. Any kind of complex fall or wound that causes the lower back pain may be a bone injury.
Here are some proven remedies to get the relief from the complexity of lower back pain which can be effective for the chronic suffers. The most effective
low back pain treatments are as follows:
Maintaining Postures:  The most effective and efficient  treatment for back ache is to maintain the postures of the body, while working on long and stretched working hours as the prolonged sitting or standing leads to this problem.

Ice packs and heating pads: The application of the effective ice packs and heating pads on the lower back and back bone can also help in smoothing the pain from the root cause. Place the heating pads alternately on your lower back or you can use only the heating pads or just the ice pack.
Effective Acupuncture - Acupuncture is an ancient practice to treat the paining disorders of the body. The sterilized needles are gently pointed in the skin on the body which is an effective technique that helps with the lower pain.
Massage therapy - Massage therapy is a relaxing method to treat back ache. A professional massage therapist can be hired or you can get the services of your loved ones to massage you on the back.
You should have the knowledge that long lasting back pain is the major concerning problem for the sufferer.  Finding the accurate treatments is essential to maintain a healthy back. Taking certain steps to treat your back is very important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
These are just some of the remedies for lower back pain treatment. Consult a
physician for the guideline to get the necessary treatments

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Improving your Survival Odds with Breast Cancer Quotes

Vanishing aids and curing cancer are one of the restrictions of man's knowledge, truly we do not have power over everything. Yet, we can collect strength from words of other persons who have taken the same situation and got their way through.It may seem insufficient at the moment.But why not give it an endeavor and you may even get positive results.
Luckily, there are web pages that do just that. They present words to encourage you to live another day and fight cancer. As a matter of fact, it is exposed in clinical research that people with cancers that are emotionally stable and happy have a longer life span than those persons who are satisfied with being caught with cancer and choose to weep concerning it.There are even instances that denote that cancer is absolutely eradicated.It may seem unfeasible, but they do work in spite of the reality that science cannot clarify it, and that is the most imperative part.What else can you want further? It is like a well of wellbeing and all that you need to do is just pull out and pull out from it, it is boundless and it is for free.

If that is the situation then you should take every chance that you get to fully enjoy what little time is left of you. In the time that you have, you do want to get pleasure from it with the people that you love right? If you are in accordance with this thought, then you can simply increase the probability of living without the medical expenditure through stirring breast cancer quotes. In line with this, there was even this TV show that showcases a mother diagnosed with breast cancer and that she only had a few months to exist.She did not conceal anything from her family and obviously they all got sad. But sooner or later, they started to celebrate each day until the mother's day arrived. Despite the truth that she died, doctors were amazed that she was able to live almost 2 years more than what is expected of her.Truly the power of love and happiness cannot be overcome by any shape of ailment and condition.
Ladies should be aware of the fact that all folks have a chance to get breast cancer but an even higher likelihood for them so they should not be ignorant.Even if there is a limitation to what medicine can do, there are no limits to what the heart and the spirit can.So pull strength from the encouragements that breast cancer quotes present.